IBM 7043-260

IBM 43p Model 260 (7043-260)


Option 1

Power3 64-bit CPU @ 200 MHz w/ 4MB L2
– 512 MB High-Density ECC SDRAM (exp. to 8192 MB)

Special Order

Price: $1995 $1255

Option 2

Power3 DUAL 64-bit CPU @ 200 MHz, 4MB L2 SMP
1024 MB High-Density ECC SDRAM (exp. to 8192 MB)

Special Order

Price: $2495 -$1495

Both Options include:

9GB SCSI Drive (can hold a 2nd internal drive)
– CDROM / Floppy drive
10/100baseT Ethernet
– High Performance GXT 3000P Video (outputs to VGA)
– IBM keyboard / IBM mouse
IBM AIX 5L for Power V-5.2

Please contact to confirm availability

SKU: 7043-260 Category:

Product Description

IBM RS/6000 43p Model 260 (7043-260)

MCAD, CAE, Geophysics

The 260 is a 64-bit symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) system with true multi-threaded application support and extended floating-point capabilities. It has the power to run complex commercial, business and engineering applications.

Designed with reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) features typically found in higher-priced systems, such as Error Checking and Correcting (ECC) memory and an integrated service processor, the 260 can help keep your mission-critical business, technical applications, and networks running 24/7.