SGI Silicon Graphics O2

SGI (Silicon Graphics) O2

$1,795.00 $1,195.00

– MIPS R12000 CPU @ 300MHz w/ FPU
– 256 MB ECC RAM (exp. to 1GB)
– 36GB @ 10,000 RPM SCSI drive
– High Performance MVP (1.2 AV) graphics subsystem
– Output to PC monitors
– Keyboard and mouse included
– Powered by SGI IRIX 6.5.x (media package available)

Price: $1,195 In Stock

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Product Description

SGI (Silicon graphics) O2

3D animation, broadcasting, simulation, medical imaging

Based on an innovative Unified Memory Architecture (UMA), O2 enables stunning 3D graphics, powerful image processing, and real-time video processing far beyond that of any other machine available in its class.

These features make the SGI O2 the ideal platform for scientific visualization, 2D and 3D animation, broadcasting, simulation, defense, and medical imaging.